

The Easy Small Business Marketing Idea

Why did you decide to read this article?
I'll bet I know.
Humor me, and let me take a few guesses.
First, surely you own and operate some kind of small business, and as a result you'd like more new customers (or better results) from you next small business marketing campaign.
The word "easy" in the title of this article appealed to you.
Am I right?
If so, then you are not alone.
In fact, I'll bet a bushel of Napa Valley grapes almost everyone who reads this article will be attracted to it simply based on the word "easy". Why? Because nobody wants to struggle to get an end result.

And there-in lies the lesson in this article.
People want easy solutions to their problems.
Think about it this way:
If you designed a single pill that people could take once, that would cause them to lose all the weight they wanted, and as a result have a "killer bod" they always dreamed about, then don't cha' think you'd be the richest chap to ever walk the face of the earth?
Of course you would.
Because not a single person wants to work hard to lose weight.
And if they could pop a pill that made losing weight "easy" then who wouldn't want to do that?
Sure, on some deep level most people realize that a simple solution to whatever bugs them is not realistic. But they still want an easy solution. And people buy based on their "wants"... not based on their "needs".

What's this mean for you and your business?
Simply that the easier you make it for someone to do business with you, the better results you'll get from your next small business marketing campaign.
In fact, tied to your main appeal should be some copy that demonstrates that your solution is easy to get and easy to use. Why? Because every one of your buyer's wants an easy solution to their problems.
This gets back to that word "easy" which got you to read this article in the first place.
You see, you want this same easy solution too.
So do I.
So does everybody including your prospects.
And one last thing:
If you are serious about growing your business, then more than likely all you need is a few more good ideas like the one in this article.
So ask yourself this:
Where can you turn for more good ideas like what you just read in this article?
In my humble opinion, you have to be careful where you look for good ideas because just about everybody and their brother claims to be a so-called 'business expert'.
Saying is one thing.
Doing is another.
And most of these "talking heads" have never run a successful small business.
But I have. And so if you connect with my style then take a look at my author's box below because I'm chalk full of easy small business marketing ideas that get results.

Wesley Murph is the author of "The Little Black Book of Small Business Marketing Secrets: 10 Proven Ways to Add New Customers, Repeat Sales and Referrals to Any Small Business!" which includes a campaign he wrote for a client that pulled a whopping 35.7% response to an ice-cold list. And even though Wesley rarely accepts new clients, you can get more tips like the one you just read by going to...
Report #1: The 10 Most Important Elements to a BLOCKBUSTER Marketing Campaign
Report #2: 3 Effortless Ways to Get 10 New Customers using the B.I.N. Method
Report #3: The Simple Marketing Strategy that Puts New Customers into Your Business Almost Instantly


Rewarding Marketing Ideas For Your Massage Therapy Business

Sports massage therapy, mobile massage services, or a professional massage studio are all successful business strategies that all should include a marketing strategy that can grow your business. Your range of services, professional business practices, and massage knowledge can help to create a rewarding campaign that is sure to bring business.

Massage therapy offers a range of services from shiatsu to sports therapy to Swedish and deep tissue massage techniques. Offer your customers and potential customers a way to research the difference and choose your massage therapy clinic or services as their best choice. An online presence for your massage therapy business is the best way to recruit potential customer and establish new business. Online you will be able to provide knowledge and be a resource for those interested, you are findable through online directories, and can even incorporate customer reviews to build the respect of your business and make the choice easier for your customers. If you want to further establish your presence online, continue to build yourself as a resource by establishing an informative blog, RSS feed, and a running list of information for customers interested in the services of massage therapy.
Print advertising methods are a way to reach out to your targeted customers with promotional offers and branded advertising that both grow your customer base and your brand awareness. Your print advertising should first start with business cards that include your branding and can also service as appointment reminders. To extend your advertising opportunities, use your established customers to help by offering referral cards and a referral program that rewards the help of your already dedicated customers. Flyers and postcard mailers are another great opportunity to reach out to those who may not otherwise know about or have taken the interest in your massage therapy business. Mailers can be sent to your targeted customers with help of purchasable advertising lists and help to build awareness for your business. Although the customer return may not be 100%, it is a great way to establish your name and put the notion of massage service into customer minds.

Massage therapy is about professional business practices and expert knowledge. A professional and trustworthy business appearance can be the deciding factor for choosing your business. If you run your business out of a massage clinic or studio, your storefront makes the first impression for your business. Establish a respectable storefront using window signs that include your branding and business slogan. One way vision is a great material that adds privacy to your clinic windows and allows you to design a full-window advertisement that is full-color and impactful. Your massage business windows should emphasize your business name and branding and show the professionalism and relaxing environment your studio provides.

If you offer mobile massage services, mobile advertising is the way to go. Car magnets are a perfect solution or mobile advertising as you travel between appointments. The easy reusable advertising is a way to build recognition for your services while on the road and increase the strength of your other forms of advertising. Adding mobile advertising to your marketing strategy can turn rewards that you'd never expect. Seeing your branding and business name in all forms builds your reputation as a trusted business and in turn will increase your customer base.
Michael Allen works as a Director of Marketing in Boston, Massachusetts. He has worked with both large companies and small local businesses for over 20 years. His vast experience in the field of marketing positions him as an expert in helping businesses expand by using marketing tactics.


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